A distinctive name, an unmistakable voice, and an explosive and energetic on-screen personality have created a dramatic fan following. Brian Quaca aka “Pigman” is a wild hog assassin, avid outdoorsman and big game hunter known throughout the USA. He is the Executive Producer of “Pigman the Series” and 4-Time Sportsman Channel Host of the Year. In 2017, Pigman partnered with Marc Cardinali, a 3rd Generation Pitmaster, Pizzaiolo, firecooker and Pit builder from Canada who is Master of Fire & Spice and creator of the award-winning Cluck & Squeal Seasoning & BBQ Rub line of products.
Together while on a hunting excursion, north met south and game met spice – this was the beginning of a unique partnership that has created one of the most versatile seasonings available stateside for all hunters, anglers, home chefs and everyone to enjoy.